March 6, 2020

Now Accepting VISA and MASTERCARD payments

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is now accepting VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards in addition to Debit cards and cash to cover any Third Party invoices for medical services NOT covered by Alberta Health Care.

We hope that this will make payments for services easier for our patients.

March 5, 2020

Alberta Health Care Changes as of March 31st. Seniors Driver’s Medicals no longer covered.

As of March 31st there will be changes to the way Family Physicians across the province are able to bill for services they provide to patients.  These changes are the result of Provincial Government cuts to Health Care.  One of these include Seniors Driver’s Medicals.

Driver’s Medicals for seniors over 74.5 years of age, will no longer be paid for by the Government.

If you are having a birthday in the next 6 months please CALL NOW to book your Driver’s Medical before they are no longer covered.  We are happy to help you get this important medical completed before March 31st.

March 2, 2020

Dr. Slusar is back from her leave!!

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is so very excited to have Dr. Slusar back from her Educational Leave.  Dr. Slusar spent 6 months away from our community taking training in Obstetrical Surgery.  She is now able to provide Caesarian Sections for Obstetrical patients who require this type of medical service.

Thank you to Dr. Michelle Crook who covered for Dr. Slusar’s patients while she was away.

January 10, 2020

New Art with thanks from Olds High School!

The weather outside may be frightful, but thanks to the Olds High School our walls are certainly more delightful!

Thank you to the art students at Olds High for allowing us to display some of their recent work.  We are so appreciative of this opportunity to showcase our talented students.

We really appreciate your hard work and are thrilled to help show it to our patient community.

December 20, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

The Wild Rose Medical Centre wishes everyone a very happy holiday this Christmas season.  The clinic will be closed on Tuesday December 24 at 12:00 noon, will be open on Friday December 27 with regular  hours.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Tuesday December 31 at noon, and will reopen on Thursday January 2, 2020!

November 5, 2019

Remembrance Day – closed

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Monday November 11, 2019 to pay tribute to the men and women of our country who sacrificed their lives for our Canadian freedom.

If you have a medical emergency please call 911, or visit the Olds and District Hospital where one of our physicians will be on call to address your medical need.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be open on Tuesday November 12th for regular business hours.

October 11, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are getting some welcome sunshine, and warmer weather which will be wonderful for Thanksgiving this weekend.  Enjoy the long weekend with friends and family.  The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Monday October 14th, and will be open for regular business hours on Tuesday October 15th.

Happy Thanksgiving!

August 28, 2019

Enjoy a long weekend!

Alas, summer has come to an end and the long weekend is upon us.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Monday September 2nd and will reopen on Tuesday September 3rd.

Enjoy some good weather with family and friends.

If you are in need of medical services over the long weekend, one of our physicians will be on call at the Olds Hospital and Care Centre.

August 1, 2019

Farewell Dr. Neupane.

It is hard to say farewell to Dr. Neupane and her family.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre; Physicians and staff wish Dr. Neupane, and her family the very best as they return to northern Alberta.  It has been a pleasure getting to know you, and working with you.  Thank you so very much for your years of dedicated care and compassion to the residents in our community and beyond.  All the best.


June 24, 2019

Canada Day Celebration!

Canada Day 

Celebrate our Canadian Nationality on Monday July 1st!

The Wild Rose Medical  Centre will be closed on Monday July 1st to recognize Canada Day and to provide us all with an opportunity to celebrate the birth of our nation 152 years ago.

Enjoy the long weekend with your family and friends.

If you are in need of medical assistance please contact Health Link by dialling 811, or visit our local Emergency department where one of our physicians will be on call.