August 3, 2018

Heritage Day Closure

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Monday August 6, 2018 to recognize the Heritage Day holiday.

If you do need to have medical services please call Health Link at 811, or proceed to the Olds Hospital and Care Centre where one of our physicians will be on call.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will reopen on Tuesday August 7th at 8:15 in the morning for same day appointments and regular appointments.

Enjoy the long weekend!

August 1, 2018

Welcome Angela.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is growing.   We are happy to welcome Angela MacEachern to our Admin team.  Angela will join Alexandra, Barb, Brenda, Carol, Darcelle, Janie, Joyce, Rhonda and Tina.

July 31, 2018

Welcome Brook-Lynne.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is pleased to welcome Brook-Lynne Dixon to our team.  Brook-Lynne will be joining our Clinical staff and looks forward to meeting you on your next visit to the clinic.

July 19, 2018

Eight Years of Uptowne Service.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is celebrating eight years of service in  Uptowne Olds!  From our opening day on July 20, 2010 we have added 10 physicians and hired 7 new staff.  The Wild Rose Medical Centre physicians have joined the Peaks to Prairies Primary Care Network and  provide a low risk obstetrics program.  The Wild Rose Medical Centre has also expanded service with clinics  including the Olds College, the Mount View Lodge,  Seasons, and Seasons Encore.  Our physicians provide daily morning and afternoon same day appointments.  Phone 403-556-7130 for your appointment.

July 4, 2018

Welcome locum physician, Dr. Richard Chan

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is pleased to welcome Dr. Richard Chan who will be covering Dr. Turner’s sabbatical leave from July through to the end of September.

June 18, 2018

Canada Day Closure.

Happy Canada Day on July 1st!

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Monday July 2nd to recognize Canada Day.  Take this time to celebrate our National Holiday with family and friends.  The Wild Rose Medical Centre will reopen with regular business hours on Tuesday July 3rd at 8:15 a.m.  In the event of a medical emergency please call 911 or proceed to the Olds Hospital and Care Centre where one of our physicians will be available on call.

June 18, 2018

Dr. LeeAnna Blackshaw on maternity leave.

Dr. LeeAnna Blackshaw is now on her maternity leave.  Dr. Michael Blackshaw will be taking some time away from his medical practice on a short paternity leave.  Dr. Michael Blackshaw will be covering patients for his wife Dr. LeeAnna while she is on her leave.  Congratulations to the Blackshaw family!

June 18, 2018

Welcome to Alexandra Halford

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is pleased to welcome Alexandra Halford.  Alexandra will be joining our Admin team up at the front of the clinic.  Great to have you with us Alex!

May 14, 2018

Victoria Day Closure

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Monday May 21 to recognize Victoria Day.  Have a safe a happy long weekend.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will re-open with regular business hours on Tuesday May 22nd, 2018.

If you have a medical emergency or need medical care one of our On Call Physicians will be able to see you at the Olds Hospital.

May 8, 2018

Caring in the community is a team effort!

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is a team of hard working professionals.  May is staff appreciation month; whether Administration or Clinical staff the extra effort and energy of every person contributes to the creation of a positive patient experience.

The staff at the Wild Rose Medical Centre take your medical concerns seriously.  They are highly trained to ensure that your medical needs are addressed in a professional, and confidential manner.

The seventeen Family Physicians at the Wild Rose Medical Centre would like to express their very sincere gratitude to the 20 staff that are an important and intricate part of the clinic team.  Thank you for taking the time needed for each of our patients; a welcoming smile, and a word of encouragement goes a long way on the journey of good health.