November 10, 2017

“They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.” Robert Laurence Binyon, For the Fallen.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be CLOSED on Monday November 13, 2017 to pay tribute to the service men and women who gave so much for our freedom, and to honour those who serve today around the globe advocating for world peace.

October 20, 2017

Flu Vaccines are here! Get yours today!

The flu vaccines have arrived at the clinic. Have you had yours this Flu season? Children over the age of 9 years, and all adults are able to receive their flu vaccine at the clinic. Remember to ask for yours when you are next in.

September 1, 2017

Welcome Back Kathy Clarke

It is great to welcome back Kathy Clarke who has returned to the Wild Rose Medical Centre team. Kathy will be working with the ladies on the Clinical Care team including Allison, Fritz, Jen, Joyce, Judy, Kathy K, Micki, Shelly, and Valdene.

August 9, 2017

Welcome Fritz Latimer to Wild Rose Medical Centre

Fritz has joined the Clinical team at the Wild Rose Medical Centre.  Fritz joins Allison, Jen, Joyce, Judy, Kathy, Micki , Rachael, Shelly and Valdene.

August 1, 2017

Welcome to Rachael Odersky

The Wild Rose Medical Centre welcomes Rachael to the Clinical team joining Allison, Jen, Joyce, Judy, Kathy, Micki, Shelly and Valdene.

July 27, 2017

It’s a celebration!

It’s a celebration!  The Wild Rose Medical Centre has been operating in it’s current location for seven years this week!  The clinic has grown over the years expanding from the 8 physicians who first started in this location to the 17 who currently provide Family Medicine care here.  The Uptowne location beside Shoppers’ Drug Mart has provided patients with easy central access to the clinic, close proximity to the Peaks to Prairies Primary Care Network, and walkability to central services.

July 14, 2017

Welcome to Allison Johnson

The Wild Rose Medical Centre welcomes Allison Johnson to our staff.  Allison will be working in the Clinical department joining Jen, Joyce, Judy, Kathy, Micki, and Valdene,

July 10, 2017

Injections at Wild Rose Medical Centre

Injections at Wild Rose Medical Centre will be offered without an appointment from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday.  Please contact the clinic if these times are not suitable for you.

June 30, 2017

GOGA Challenge Provincial winners!

Teams from the Wild Rose Medical Centre and the Peaks to Prairies Primary Care Network finished first and second respectively in the entire province in the Get Out Get Active (GOGA) challenge this year.

The challenge, a province wide initiative of Primary Care Networks throughout Alberta ran for 6 weeks this spring.

“Each person had a virtual character that transformed form a brainless zombie to a flying superhero due to the effects of exercise”  Dr. Leoni Kelly, Coach, Wild Rose Medical Centre, “Flab – u- less Team.

The two teams in Olds, the Wild Rose Medical Centre Flab-u-less and the Peaks to Prairies Peppy Steppers challenged each other to see which team would be the most active.

Each team member recorded daily activities which were automatically converted into steps walked.

The purpose of the challenge was to enable each team member to realize the positive impact physical activity has on their health.

“It proved again, exercise is medicine.  It is the number 1 ‘drug’ on the market with scientific evidence for the most health benefits”. Dr. Leoni Kelly, Coach.

June 30, 2017

Canada Day closure

Canada Day Closure.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Monday July 3rd to recognize the Canada Day holiday.

Happy Birthday Canada!  Celebrating 150 years since our Confederation.