Same Day Appointments available!
The Wild Rose Medical Centre now offers Same Day Appointments to see one of our physicians. Call the clinic at 7:45 a.m. and book in with one of the physicians who are offering this service.
The Wild Rose Medical Centre will no longer provide services to Walk In patients. Phoning the clinic, and making an appointment provides us with the opportunity to screen patients for Covid symptoms and takes the stress out of lining up for Walk in services.
We value your time and hope that this new way of serving our patients will have you waiting in our waiting room less and getting on with your day quicker.
Give us a call at 7:45 a.m. (403-556-7130) for a Same Day Appointment, and we will see you sooner with less waiting time.
Enjoy summer, stay safe, and remember masks are required attending the Wild Rose Medical Centre.
Welcome Indianna!
The Wild Rose Medical Centre is pleased to welcome Indianna Feswick to the clinic. Indianna is a local graduate and a busy contributor to our community. Indianna will be joining the Clinical Team, and is keen to meet and greet our patients. Welcome Indianna, it is great to have you on board with us!
Closed on July 1st – Canada Day!
The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Thursday July 1, 2021 for all of us to enjoy Canada Day.
The clinic will resume to normal business hours on Friday July 2nd when we will be open with regular business hours to care for you and your family.
Enjoy our beautiful weather!
We’re Hiring!
Looking to join our team?
The Wild Rose Medical Centre located in Olds, Alberta is seeking a .8 to a 1.0 FTE Screening Coordinator who will work collaboratively with the Peaks to Prairies Primary Care Network to provide a program for Screening, INR Management and Panel Management of patients.
Computer skills are necessary and familiarity with an Electronic Medical Record an asset. Holding a Licensed Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse designation is an asset.
Please mail or submit your resume to Kim McLennan at the Wild Rose Medical Centre, P.O. Box 3955, Olds, Ab. T4H 1P6, or by email to
We appreciate all applications, however only selected candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Thank You!!
Two small words which make a world of difference!
Our staff are the backbone of our business. They work incredibly hard to make sure that your medical needs are provided for in the most professional, confidential and considerate way possible.
Add the complexities of working through a worldwide pandemic with the required ppe, and additional procedures to ensure patient and co-worker safety, it has been a demanding time for all of us.
On behalf of the physicians of the Wild Rose Medical Centre I would like to thank each and everyone for your loyalty, your dedication, and for going above and beyond to ensure our patients are well cared for.
Thank you!
Thank you! Phones are back in working order!!
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we had our phones down this morning.
Happy to report that our phones are up and running again, and we are able to continue to serve your health care needs as we have in the past.
Enjoy the sunshine, and great weather!
URGENT: Phones currently down temporarily.
Good morning, the phones at the Wild Rose Medical Centre are temporarily down due to an outage with our software carrier.
If you need to see a physician at the clinic today please come to the clinic and follow the instructions printed on the front door poster. We will do our best to accommodate you.
We apologize for this inconvenience, and hope that it won’t be too long before this problem is repaired.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Masks required for everyone ages 2 and over.
Mask wearing will continue to be required when attending the Wild Rose Medical Centre.
For our patients and visitors, everyone two years of age and over will be asked to wear a mask while inside the clinic facility. Mask wearing, hand sanitation, and distancing will help us reduce the spread of the Covid – 19 virus.
We appreciate your support in reducing the spread of this virus.
Be safe, and stay well.
Closed Good Friday – April 2nd
The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed all day on Friday April 2nd to allow our physicians and staff to be home with their families.
If you are in need of medical assistance dial 811, or visit the Olds Hospital and Care Centre where one of our physicians will be on Emergency Department call for our patients.
The Wild Rose Medical Centre will reopen with regular business hours on Monday April 5th.
Enjoy the Easter Long Weekend, and be safe!
Long Service Recognition!
The Wild Rose Medical Centre recognizes dedication, loyalty and professionalism in our team. It is today that we pay tribute with our appreciation to three very special members of our Wild Rose team.
With our sincere appreciation and thanks for years of service to Sherry Petersen, Jennifer Machell and Rhonda Johnson.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller.
Congratulations from all of us at Wild Rose to Sherry, Jennifer and Rhonda.
Pictured in photo are Dr. Martha Ingles, Rhonda and Jennifer, Sherry missing in photo.