Month: May 2018

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will be closed on Monday May 21 to recognize Victoria Day.  Have a safe a happy long weekend.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre will re-open with regular business hours on Tuesday May 22nd, 2018.

If you have a medical emergency or need medical care one of our On Call Physicians will be able to see you at the Olds Hospital.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is a team of hard working professionals.  May is staff appreciation month; whether Administration or Clinical staff the extra effort and energy of every person contributes to the creation of a positive patient experience.

The staff at the Wild Rose Medical Centre take your medical concerns seriously.  They are highly trained to ensure that your medical needs are addressed in a professional, and confidential manner.

The seventeen Family Physicians at the Wild Rose Medical Centre would like to express their very sincere gratitude to the 20 staff that are an important and intricate part of the clinic team.  Thank you for taking the time needed for each of our patients; a welcoming smile, and a word of encouragement goes a long way on the journey of good health.