Month: July 2020

Your care and safety are our number 1 priority.  Thank you for wearing a mask, for washing/sanitizing your hands and for following social distancing protocol.  By wearing masks when social distancing is difficult keeps us all safe.  Together we will get through the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is up to all of us to keep each other safe and healthy. Thanks for doing your part, it helps everyone stay safe!

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is open for business, and has been throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  The safety of our patients is our priority and we have ensured that all measures have been taken to keep our patients and staff safe and comfortable when visiting our facility for medical care.

Physicians will be back to a regular schedule commencing July 27th so there will be lots of availability for you to come and see your Family Physician, or other health care provider.  Give the clinic a call, at 403-556-7130 to book your appointment.  Remember that appointments to see a physician must be made before visiting the clinic.  This helps us to complete screening processes to ensure you are receiving the correct medical care for your situation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all sort out our new way of staying safe during this unprecedented time.  Together we are stronger, and safer.  We appreciate your business, in providing us with the opportunity to care for you and your family.

Enjoy our lovely weather, take some time to enjoy the sunshine, and fresh air!