Month: March 2020

There is not a day that goes by that there is not something new to learn or provide for our valued patients.

To protect you, our patients,  we are making some changes to the way that we deliver medical services.  Physicians will be offering virtual visits if they are suitable, and will offer to phone patients in their home to discuss medical concerns rather than having patients visit the clinic in person.

We hope that this will enable you to feel safe and protected during these unprecedented times.

If you are interested in speaking with a physician about a medical concern please call the clinic, and arrange a suitable time to talk.

Thank you for trying something new, as we explore opportunities to meet your medical care needs.

Thank you to Tracy Gardner and her staff for helping us out in this time of need.  As you know patient management and flow in our waiting areas is VERY important.  It is our job to keep you, our patients safe , and to keep our staff and physicians safe.  We were hoping to find a better way to direct patients through our check in and appointment process at our front Reception desk.  We are thrilled with the help that has come from the Olds Regional Exhibition by the way of beautiful, freshly painted stanchions for our waiting room.  Thanks to the ORE, to Tracy and her staff for lending us these stantions, for painting them up so beautifully and for bringing them over to the clinic too!  OUR COMMUNITY is AMAZING, full of generosity, and great people.  Thank you for helping us in this time of need.  WE truly appreciate your kindness.

Can you come to visit?

Effective March 18, 2020, Alberta Health Services will allow patients to receive only one visitor at a time to AHS Acute Care (Hospital) facilities.  Please coordinate visiting schedules to allow for one person to be at the hospital at a time.

Additionally, no children will be allowed to visit.

Exceptions to this restriction would be considered in certain circumstances, but will require review and approval by a unit manager or nursing staff on a case by case basis.

Visitors must be feeling well on the date/time of the visit. 

These are unusual times, and with your help and support our community will be able to cope with the COVID-19 virus.  Thank you for everything that you are doing to help us flatten the curve.

Good morning;

Alberta Health Services has launched a new self assessment tool for use if you suspect that you may have COVID-19.

Please use this tool by going to “COVID-19 info for Albertans”.  Then look for the Self-Assessment Tool.  Use the tool before calling Health Link 811.

If you have returned to Canada, STAY HOME, self isolate, ask your neighbors to bring you groceries, and run your errands.  If you are sick, STAY HOME, self isolate, and ask neighbors to bring you groceries and run your errands.  WASH your HANDS, and stay safe.

A new COVID-19 Self Assessment tool has been developed for us  to use by Alberta Health Services.

Use this self-assessment tool to help determine whether you should get tested for COVID-19.  You can complete this assessment for yourself or on behalf of someone else if they are not able.

Please Note:

Travelers returning to Canada after March 12 are STRONGLY REQUESTED to self-isolate with the exception of those returning from Italy, Iran or the Hubei province of China, who MUST self-isolate regardless of their date of travel.

You do not need to be tested for COVID-19 if in the past 14 days you have not traveled outside Canada or had contact with someone diagnosed as having COVID-19.

Alberta Health Services strongly urges anyone who has symptoms, including a cough, runny nose, fever, or sore throat, to self-isolate for 14 days.

To protect yourself while out in public, wash your hands frequently, and maintain a distance of about 2 metres from others.

Thank you for your support as we work through COVID-19.

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is very concerned about your health during this recent COVID-19 pandemic as currently declared by the World Health Organization.

If you have a cough, fever or respiratory symptoms phone Health Link at 811 for further instructions.

Do Not Enter the Clinic, stay home, and self isolate unless you have been screened by Health Link.

This is very serious, Please be honest with your health care needs so that we can care for you, and protect others.

Thank you for your understanding.

Information on COVID-19 is rapidly improving as we receive more information on this virus.

Here is a current link to information for Albertans.

If you are concerned that you may have COVID-19 call Health Link at 811 for further instructions.


Due to COVID-19 concerns WALK INS at this clinic are suspended until further notice.

All SAME DAY appointments must be booked by telephone, 403-556-7130.  Phone lines will open at 7:45 a.m.

Please DO NOT ENTER the clinic more than 20 minutes prior to your appointment time.

If you are worried that you may have COVID-19 please call HEALTH LINK at 811 for further instructions, and DO NOT ENTER the clinic.  We are unable to test you for COVID-19 at this clinic.

Call 911 if you are seriously ill, and need immediate medical attention and inform them that you may have COVID-19.

If you are unable to attend your appointment for any reason please phone the clinic to reschedule.

Thank you for your understanding.  We take your health care seriously.  We wish to protect all our patients and staff in this current situation.

For further information please refer to:

The Wild Rose Medical Centre is now accepting VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards in addition to Debit cards and cash to cover any Third Party invoices for medical services NOT covered by Alberta Health Care.

We hope that this will make payments for services easier for our patients.

As of March 31st there will be changes to the way Family Physicians across the province are able to bill for services they provide to patients.  These changes are the result of Provincial Government cuts to Health Care.  One of these include Seniors Driver’s Medicals.

Driver’s Medicals for seniors over 74.5 years of age, will no longer be paid for by the Government.

If you are having a birthday in the next 6 months please CALL NOW to book your Driver’s Medical before they are no longer covered.  We are happy to help you get this important medical completed before March 31st.