Month: May 2020

Thank you so much to our local Cam Clark Ford Dealership who graciously donated Face Shields to the Wild Rose Medical Centre.  These Face Shields will be used by our staff and physicians as they care for patients at the clinic here in Olds.

We are OPEN for business and take great care to ensure your health and safety are our number one priority.


We are doing a combination of telephone/virtual and face to face in clinic visits.  Phone hours are 07:45 to 16:30 Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays.  Please call to make an appointment, 403-556-7130.


What if I think I have COVID?

COVID -19 symptoms are similar to influenza and other respiratory illnesses.  Common symptoms can be mild cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat.  Symptoms of serious illness could include difficulty breathing or pneumonia.


COVID-19: If you have concerning symptoms, here is what to do!

  1. Take the COVID-19 self-assessment to determine if you need testing at  COVID-19 symptoms are similar to influenza and other respiratory illnesses.
  2. Stay home and isolate for at least 14 days, or until symptoms resolve, whichever is longer (this is a legal requirement).
  3. Call Health Link 811 if concerned about your health, and to assess if testing is needed.
  4. Call the Wild Rose Medical Centre, 403-556-7130 to arrange for a phone consult from a doctor to discuss your symptoms, or if you have questions or concerns.
  5. If you need immediate medical attention, call 911 and inform them you may have COVID-19.

Your health is our business, please do not hesitate to call us if you are concerned about your health.

Stay safe, stay well.